Boarding School Placement


The right choice of a boarding school is the basis for success, because in addition to the child’s education, the parents trust the school with its daily well-being and happiness. Taking into account that there are about 500 such schools in the UK, there are plenty to choose from. EducAd will help you choose a school considering the interests and desires of the child. We do not lobby for the interests of any educational institutions and work with the interests of your child in the center of our attention.


We start by determining the interests and abilities of the child. We prepare documents including a personal statement for admission and, if necessary, organise tutoring in person or over skype.


We customise a list of boarding schools with vacancies according to your criteria and accompany the visits to selected schools. We organise the process of entrance exams, if possible, remotely - at the place of your stay.


We provide the services of a guardian and mentoring assistance. The guardian of your child will take an active part of your child’s educational progress after the admission. We provide the interests of the family in communication with the school, monitor and report to the parents on the results of studies.